American Bible Society Removes Emerging/Contemplative Links

Links have been posted for over 2 years – removed this week.

Earlier this week (see 07/24/06 post), Lighthouse Trails posted a news brief about American Bible Society’s promotion of contemplative and emerging spiritualities through their online ministry Since then, we have been in some correspondence with ABS Senior Manager of Media Relations, Roy Lloyd. We also know that some of you contacted his office as well. This morning Mr. Lloyd informed us that the page on For Ministry’s website, which listed hundreds of links to emerging/contemplative resources, books and articles is no longer online. It appears that it was removed some time early this morning. As you can see from this link, For Ministry, this is accurate, and at this time these links are gone.

Removing these links so quickly is commendable as well as confirmation that emerging and contemplative are indeed belief systems that are contrary to biblical Christianity. With no explanation by ABS or For Ministry offered as to why they removed these immediately, we feel it is safe to assume that those responsible for adding these resources in the first place know it was wrong to do so and have taken these measures to correct this serious error.

As you can see from an archived cache site of For Ministry from 2004, these emerging/contemplative resources have been available to the public for quite some time. In that same year Brian McLaren was a featured author on the site.

It is sad and unfortuntate that millions of people have had access to these resources, and there is no doubt that horrendous spiritual damage has taken place because of it in the lives of countless people. We hope that in light of the length of time American Bible Society has allowed this promotion of false and New Age spirituality to go on, that they will come forth with a strong public statement denouncing contemplative and emerging once and for all. If such a statement does not take place, many will rightfully wonder if removing the links this morning will be a permanent action or will these resources show up again. For the sake of all those who have already been influenced by these resources, we beseech ABS to take further action to rectify some of the damage.

Note: Some may wonder just how connected ABS is with For Ministry. Research shows that ABS is the creator and administrator for the For Ministry site. See here.

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