C. P. Wagner Gives “Apostolic Alignment” to Todd Bentley

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According to a June 24th article by Charisma Magazine, C. P. Wagner, Rick Warren’s advisor and mentor at Fuller Seminary 1 and leader of the International Coalition of Apostles, joined other charismatic leaders to attend a special service with Todd Bentley whom they “commissioned as an evangelist.” The article, titled Leaders Commission Todd Bentley at ‘Lakeland Outpouring’, stated:
The ceremony, held in a 10,000-seat tent, took place after some charismatic leaders raised questions about Bentley’s claims, methods and theology. They asked Wagner to oversee a dialogue, and he responded by organizing Monday evening’s event so that Bentley could have more accountability–or what Wagner calls “apostolic alignment.”
To read this entire article by Charisma, click here. Some of those in attendance, along with Wagner, were Rick Joyner, Bill Johnson (of Bethel Church in Redding, CA), and John Arnott (Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship).

To understand more about the background and beliefs of C. P. Wagner (and Rick Warren’s ties to Wagner), read C. Peter Wagner Involvement In The Latter Rain by Sandy Simpson of Deception in the Church.

To understand more about the Latter Rain movement (originating in Saskatchewan, Canada in the 1940s), which is a foundational movement for many of today’s movements including the River Movement, Word-Faith, Kansas City Prophets, etc., read Kevin Reeves, The Other Side of the River.

Also read: The Silent Church by Warren Smith.

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