Just How Far Has Biola University Gone Into Contemplative

Biola University is the home to both Talbot School of Theology as well as the Institute of Spiritual Formation (a Department of Talbot). There is ample evidence to show that both Talbot and the Institute are promoting and teaching contemplative spirituality. The Institute alone has three masters degree programs and has dozens of courses in spiritual formation (i.e., contemplative spirituality)within the context of these programs.

But how far has contemplative gone into Biola University at large? Is this influence just limited to Talbot and the Institute of Spiritual Formation? Unfortunately, research shows that Biola has many avenues through which contemplative/emerging spirituality has entered.

In Biola’s M.A. of Organizational Leadership Distinguished Speaker Series, speakers include New Age sympathizer Laurie Beth Jones, and a 2004-2005 Young Alumni Chapel speakers list includes emerging leader Erwin McManus and Bruce Wilkinson (Prayer of Jabez). Perhaps more disturbing and revealing is a recommended book listfor the leadership M.A. program. This list is said to “help you grow in leadership, organizational development and character formation,” and includes books by New Age/Buddhist sympathizer Ken Blanchard, and one that Blanchard co-authored with Norman Vincent Peale (who used the writings of an occultist). Peter Drucker is also on the list of recommended books as is meditation promoter Michael Ray. Another leadership course (MOL651) uses a book by Larry Crabb for curriculum, and a Spring 2006 course (Character Development in Leadership) uses Dallas Willard’s book, Renovation of the Heart. In a course in Talbot’s theology school called Prayer Seminar practices such as centering prayer, lectio divina, the Jesus Prayer and other contemplative forms are introduced and considered.

It seems that this would be enough to convince even the most questioning mind that contemplative and emerging are in Biola University. But there is more … The 2006 Missions Conference that took place this spring included a “Prayer Labyrinth.”

Also see:
Laurie Beth Jones: Earth, Wind and Fire by Slice of Laodicea

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