1. CW

    This is a great article! So filled with truth and so encouraging. I have just finished reading Peter’s letters to the early church, and his prophecy in 2 Peter, chapters 2 and 3, is like reading the Biblical warnings here! Strong meat, not for the faint of heart or those who can only tolerate milk. I encourage everyone here to read (or re-read) those chapters in the light of what is happening in the church world today.

  2. Chas

    T. I. Miller said : ” Justification is by faith alone apart from works. That could not be made any more clear. Sanctification has nothing to do with justification. Sanctification is not in any way about becoming more saved or maintaining salvation or regaining salvation. ” I agree completely. And because sanctification involves a believer’s choice to walk in the Spirit, it cannot be assumed that the fact of a person’s justification will guarantee that they will make the right choices. Therefore a person’s apparent behavior cannot be an indicator of their standing before God. Only God knows the heart. “According to Chas 1 Cor. must have been a complete waste of Pauls time.” T. I. Miller, that remark shows that you have misunderstood me completely. And the word you want is “drivel”, not “dribble”.

  3. T. I. Miller

    East is east and west is west. Justification is justification and sanctification is sanctification. Justification is by faith alone apart from works. That could not be made any more clear. Sanctification has nothing to do with justification. Sanctification is not in any way about becoming more saved or maintaining salvation or regaining salvation. Rather it is about the greatest command to love God with all our heart might mind soul to love Jesus above everyone and everything. (even our pet doctrines) Jesus said that those who love him will keep his commands. He went on to say I give you a new command to love one another. Even this has nothing to do with salvation with redemption with atonement. According to Chas 1 Cor. must have been a complete waste of Pauls time. Start to finish it was a rebuke of almost everything they were doing. Also the list of requirements for elders is useless dribble. The talk about walking in the spirit and the fruit of the spirit more useless dribble. Well, all scripture is God breathed all are equal. No verse cancels out another in proper hermenutical context for God is not the author of confusion.

  4. Chas

    vincent lyons, I’ve gone on at some length in this issue, not to bust your chops, but because it is so vitally important. You apparently don’t think you agree with the LS doctrine that I’d critiqued in my first post, yet all of the objections you raised are textbook Lordship Salvation talking points. They are a vivid illustration of the “Back Door LS” idea: “Okay, we don’t have to have good works to be saved, but a really saved person WILL have good works.” But that’s essentially the same as saying “A really saved person MUST have good works… only later.” The NECESSITY of good works for salvation is still there, but back-loaded. And sadly, I’m finding that such a view is probably the majority view among those who fervently claim to believe in “salvation by faith alone.” It’s a compromise that is fatal.

  5. Chas

    “It is surely not one’s own performance that is the indication of whether one is truly a Christian or not, but the evidence of the Holy Spirit working in the person.” That statement may seem reasonable on the surface, but it’s actually a direct contradiction. What is this “evidence” you look for if not a change in behavior, a change in performance, a “work”? Fact is, the working of the Holy Spirit in a person is in itself something that we cannot see. Only God knows the heart. Therefore a person’s behavior or performance–their works–cannot be an indicator of their standing before God. (Fellowship with God is another issue.) A believer in Christ CAN lack good works entirely, but that believer in Christ is still in Christ; saved eternally, because works do not figure into justification before God. As Paul said: “To the one who DOES NOT WORK, but believes in Him who justifies the UN-godly, his faith is reckoned for righteousness.” Our works don’t save us Our works don’t keep us saved. Our works don’t assure us of eternal life. The only valid assurance of eternal life that anybody has is the promise of God to anyone who believes in Christ. That’s enough for me.

  6. Chas

    “We all need to make sure that we have believed with the heart and that we have an anointing from the Holy One( 1 Jn 2 :20) and not some soulish experience” In that passage, John does not tell us “to make sure” of anything. He says that believers in Christ do in fact HAVE that anointing. We get that anointing by believing the Truth: in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross; that it is not only necessary, but TOTALLY SUFFICIENT. No subsequent “proof” in the form of behavioral change or any other work is needed. That is what “faith alone in Christ alone” means (Romans 4:4,5). I agree with you completely about the invalidity of having “some soulish experience”. Trouble is, LS-ers insist on the need to have “repented with genuine sorrow” and other such emotional, soulish experiences to be “genuinely saved” (as though one could be saved UN-genuinely). Like I said, LS is a big part of the problem.

  7. Chas

    “Does not Scripture say in Mt 7:16 that by their fruits you will know them…” Matthew 7:16 refers to FALSE PROPHETS (vs. 15), not to wayward believers. The “fruits” of these false prophets are not their WORKS, but their WORDS, and the words of their followers. Btw, vincent lyons, you’ve probably noticed that I’m responding to your post point-by point. I’m doing this in separate posts because there seems to be a word limit for each post. Thank you for bearing with me.

  8. Chas

    “Gal 5 : 22–25 declares the obvious expected evidence in a believer’s life.” That passage speaks of the fruit of the Spirit which is the desired outcome of walking in the Spirit. Nowhere does Paul say that such outcomes are AUTOMATIC or GUARANTEED in a believer’s life. If they were automatic or guaranteed, there would be no need for Paul’s exhortations.

  9. Chas

    ” In James 2:17 it declares that faith by itself if it does not have works is dead.” James wrote a letter to believers exhorting them to exhibit their faith in practical ways. It is not a tutorial on how to receive eternal life. By “faith without works is dead”, James is referring to practical, visible effects. He does not say that faith without works is non-existent or not real. James speaks of justification before MEN, not before God. This is evident when we note that James says that Abraham was justified when he offered up Isaac. Paul says that Abraham was justified when he “believed God” long BEFORE that, even before Isaac was born (Romans 4:3) Did God contradict Himself ? No, because Paul speaks of justification before God (Romans 4:1)–which brings eternal life. James speaks of justification in the eyes of men, which has nothing to do with a person’s standing before God.

  10. Chas

    vincent lyons said : “In Acts 26:20 Paul says that through the preaching of the gospel the Gentiles should repent, turn to God, and to works befitting repentance.” Again, the context of the passage is key. Paul is talking about the Gentiles’ need to change their minds about Jesus. In verses 22 and 23, Paul noted that the only thing he proclaimed was that Christ would suffer and would rise from the dead and show light unto the people, and unto the Gentiles. There is no “turning from sins” in his message. So in this passage, saving repentance is equivalent to believing the gospel message, not “turning from sin” Yes they SHOULD do “works befitting repentance”, but those works themselves are not repentance, are not required to receive eternal life and do not constitute proof of eternal life.

  11. Chas

    vincent lyons said : Guest 23 hrs ago ” In Acts 20:21 he spoke of testifying to Jews and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. How then can one say that turning from sin is not an integral part of the gospel?” Repentance does not equal “turning from sin”. As I said, repentance is a change of mind. The object of the change of mind depends on the context in which the word is used. In Acts 20:21, Paul talks about changing one’s mind about God–one’s self-righteous (Jews) or pagan (Gentiles) concept of God–and to then believe on Jesus for salvation. Paul does not speak of “turning from sin”. in that passage.

  12. Nina

    You are saved by faith alone in Christ Alone. It is the root in Christ that gives you your assurance of everlasting life. If your looking at your fruit or the fruit of another, all your doing is having the assurance through behavior not Trust in the finished work of Christ. That is not believing in what Christ did for you,That is adding your works for assurance. You should strive for fruit, but that only happens when you walk in the spirit instead of the flesh. The church at Corinth was full of believers who were not producing fruit, but where saved. Admitting to God the Father that you are as he sees you, a sinner. Believe/trust in Jesus sacrifice/payment of your sin, on your behalf and the promise of everlasting life, and you will be given and sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. The Blood on the doorpost saved, Abraham believed in Gods promises, and his faith was counted as righteousness. We now believe in what Jesus did for us, and what he is going to do for Us. Stop looking at the fruit for assurance, and look back at the cross. Ninety percent or higher of so called Christian Churches are preaching Galatianism to the Gospel message.That is not the Good News, that is not how you are saved. It is always been by faith. Jesus said the Gate is Narrow and Few will find it.

  13. vincent lyons

    It is surely not one’s own performance that is the indication of whether one is truly a Christian or not, but the evidence of the Holy Spirit working in the person. I certainly do not believe that a born- again Christian can lose their salvation but I do believe that there are many professing faith who have never been born of God and these are the ones who have to have ‘other doctrines’. We all need to make sure that we have believed with the heart and that we have an anointing from the Holy One( 1 Jn 2 :20) and not some soulish experience. Does not Scripture say in Mt 7:16 that by their fruits you will know them, and Gal 5 : 22–25 declares the obvious expected evidence in a believer’s life. In James 2:17 it declares that faith by itself if it does not have works is dead. True faith in Our Lord Jesus Christ produces everlasting change in these who have turned from wickedness to Christ and that was the expectation of the Word of God. In Acts 26:20 Paul says that through the preaching of the gospel the Gentiles should repent, turn to God, and to works befitting repentance. In Acts 20:21 he spoke of testifying to Jews and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. How then can one say that turning from sin is not an integral part of the gospel?

  14. Chas

    “I find it rather puzzling, though…… many have the tendency to go back to the Law to find comfort and assurance there. ” On the surface it might seem puzzling. But when one considers what is being preached nowadays about “giving your life to Christ”, “committing your life to God” or “turning from sin” etc. as being required to receive eternal life, it’s no wonder people fixate on their own performance as confirmation of whether or not they are “really saved”, then burn out. But such is the result of preaching “Lordship Salvation” (LS), the unbiblical notion that “repentance” in salvation means “turning from sin”, “making Jesus the Lord of your life” or any of the other extra requirements tacked on to simple faith in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. Repentance is simply a change of mind. That is the meaning of the Greek word “metanoia”. In salvation it refers to changing one’s mind about Jesus, acknowledging that He is Lord (God in human flesh) and abandoning all hope in one’s own efforts to be saved. If anything is “turned from” it isn’t sin, but self-reliance. A sinner then “believes in Christ”, relying on His saving work alone. (LS) is the Galatianism of our time. Many churchgoers need to repent of THAT.

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