LTRP Note: This particular pregnancy center has been getting Lighthouse Trails books and DVDS for a number of years as they are trying to help the girls in trouble to not only save their babies from abortions but also to have spiritual understanding of the times in which we live. We hope you will consider donating a little something to this little crisis ministry that puts God’s Word and His Gospel above all else.
Dear Lighthouse Trails:
Some [of the books we ordered from LT] will go to some new volunteers I am training, but the majority are going to be used in our upcoming annual fundraising banquet. If someone donates a certain amount to the ministry, we will give them one of these books. In that way, it helps us as well as gets the word out to some perhaps “sleeping believers.”
When I bring on new volunteers, I always give them “A Time of Departing” to read prior to the first class. I am amazed at those that simply never get around to reading it but am pleased when those that do are shocked, angry, and eager to make sure the Word gets out correctly in our ministry. I’ve noted that the person or two that hasn’t read the book then becomes much more interested as others share what they have learned from it. I have a small class starting up in Sept. of only 4 women, but trust they will be eager to learn about all this.
We had a young gal in last week that had just been baptized a week earlier in a very shaky church in town. The client advisor asked her if she died today, where would she spend eternity. The response was she didn’t know for sure. The volunteer then asked her questions about her knowledge of Jesus, the Gospel, etc. and she knew virtually nothing! She could not state what the Gospel is! This gal, however, believes herself to be saved. The volunteer spent significant time with her showing her in scripture basic gospel truths and it was obvious she simply did not know these things. We have been told this “pastor” at this church sometimes pulls people out of the audience, lays hands on them or touches their forehead and announces them “saved.” Boy, will this guy have a lot to answer for in eternity!
Thanks for your ministry that ministers to us in books and newsletters. We really appreciate it and pass much of this information onto others.
Dianne Pomon, Director
Genesis Pregnancy Care Center
888 E. High St.
Pottstown, PA 19464
“For you formed by inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:13-14)