Letter to the Editor: A Single Mother Asks for Prayer – Concerned About CP Coming into Her Church


My heart has been greatly grieved since Sunday when I first started researching CCP [contemplative/centering prayer]. And the fact that I mentioned my concern over Priscilla Shirer being used as a study was met with “we are not always going to agree with everything others teach,” by my pastor’s wife. And as a friend, who is a pastor, pointed out to me “this isn’t debating the gap theory or even whether or not it really was an apple Eve ate,” it is serious.

And then I continue to search out your blogs and others, only to find that IHOP is mentioned often. The youth in my church are involved, though I had no idea what it was. So I asked my fifteen year old if IHOP has been mentioned to him at church. He said yes, and that’s when I informed him that I will not abide his being involved in it.

Why am I writing? I need your prayers. I am a eight-years now single mother with three sons still at home. I have always been the only ‘physical’ spiritual guidance (outside of my parents, who live far from us) these fellows have and when I was led to the church we now attend nearly three years ago, I truly felt the Holy Spirit guided us there (finally, I thought, they will have godly men to “watch”). They are a wonderful people who love the Lord with all their hearts. And now this concern of mine over the advocacy of CPP authors.

Please pray that the Holy Spirit makes clear the way in which to lead these responsibilities (my children) God’s given me. I don’t wish to make a mountain out of a molehill . . . and neither do I wish to sit back and just let things fall where they may. Clear leading, this is my prayer always.

Thank you for what you do, and God bless this ministry to continue to shed light on the subtleties of the devil against the Lord’s children. Kim