To Lighthouse Trails:
Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Research Journal, and blog is one of the safest places for any discerning born again believer to be! Given the overall level of counterfeits invading and deceiving today’s believers and seekers, be it through the false movements of Purpose Driven, Emergent, New Age, Eastern Mysticism, False Christ’s, Catholicism, Christian Palestinianism, Contemplative advocates and more, Lighthouse Trails remains dependable, reliable and consistent with the Word of God. Having started with Roger Oakland’s excellent book, “Faith Undone” (which is a must read for everyone), we moved on to Roger’s other profoundly insightful and well-documented autobiography, “Let There Be Light.”
Ray Yungens book “A Time Of Departing” is an excellent book that details the infiltration into the church of New Age practices and tactics. This should be “required reading” by every Pastor and church leaders! Having been in the New Age myself for approximately 20 years, Warren B. Smith’s books—especially “A Wonderful Deception”—has been a great blessing. Warren very clearly lays out in detail the dark and deceptive agenda of New Age proponents and how Christian’s must become aware of how the New Age is putting its deceptive spin in Christianity along with how deep and widespread the movement truly is.
I would also highly recommend any one of Caryl Matrisciana’s books or movies. Caryl too was involved in the New Age/New Spirituality movement, and she continues to expose the great gulf between biblical Christianity and Eastern Mysticism. The “Wide is the Gate” DVD series is superb. We very much appreciate the wonderful production quality of her DVD movies. Her movies immediately engage the viewer with great intensity backed by factual information.
Any books or DVD’s by Dave Hunt are excellent, eye opening resourses that Lighthouse Trails make available. When it comes to laying out biblical prophecy or Catholic heresy, Dave Hunt consistently ties and applies it to the Word of God.
In the great deception that is rampant in the church today, everyone needs a safe place to be. We recommend first and foremost God’s Word, then Lighthouse Trails Publishing, where one can sit down, take a deep breath, and realize that these day’s truly are crazy. It’s not just you, you’re not alone!
Stay safe!
Pastor Bill K.
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