Dear Lighthouse Trails:
This subject has been written on my heart for several months now because I have been volunteering as a leader in [Rick Warren’s] Celebrate Recovery and involved in this program for almost three years. I have been waiting for God to lead me away from this group on His time, and this booklet track [The “Spiritual” Truth Behind Alcoholics Anonymous] has shed new light into this arena. I believe God is telling me to separate and [is] trying to arm me with info to pass along to others. As a former Catholic and attender of AA and then experiencing many more years of addiction and abusive relationships with people, places, and things, I was broken. I thank God everyday for breaking me!
That brokeness led me to CR, but it didn’t take long for me to repent and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, hallelujah! Over these past few years, my eyes of discernment have only been opened by Him. The false teachings of 12 steps mixed with God’s Truth has been the equivalent of a crystal clear glass of clean water touched with a few drops of poison; it leaventh the whole lump! While there are many godly and well-meaning people involved at the local Celebrate Recovery, the message has been twisted. They’ll say, “I don’t know anybody that doesn’t need recovery” where I often chimed in, “I don’t know anyone who doesn’t need Jesus.”
I am hoping you might expand the information given here to address the issues of “other 12 step programs” including the abomination of all time from the Purpose Driven movement spawn of Celebrate Recovery.
Thank you for being the light in the midst of the storm. I know spiritual deception separates families as my own aunt ________ , a nun for over 50 years, is teaching the occult and spreading the gospel of Satan through her church and artwork. I pray the messages of Truth will continue to shine and speak even louder in this time of urgency.
Sandra (not real name)
Agree. I am a retired rn. It may take many things to recover from any adverse event/ events in ones life. Following medical treatment plans to the best of your ability and being financialy accountable and learning always something new + being kind and staying positive can work