LTRP Note: Show us a Christian college that is becoming laxed in its views toward homosexuality, and we’ll show you a college that has been promoting contemplative spirituality for some time. They go hand in hand. Liberty University is just such a place.
By Heather Clark
Christian News Network
Lynchburg, Virginia – Liberty University is coming under fire following a recent essay released by a former student who shared his story of being a practicing homosexual on campus.
As previously reported, The Atlantic published an essay last week penned by former Liberty student Brandon Ambrosino, outlining his personal experience of life on campus after coming out as a homosexual.
“When people find out I underwent therapy at Jerry Falwell’s Christian college, they assume I went through something like gay reparative therapy. But that isn’t what happened,” he wrote in the piece, entitled Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University. “I saw two counselors at Liberty … and neither of them ever expressed an interest in ‘curing’ me. Did they have an agenda? Yes. Their goal, which they were very honest about, was to help me to like myself, and to find peace with the real Brandon.” Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
Jonathan Falwell Becomes Vice-Chancellor at Liberty University
Mark Driscoll and Liberty University Are Good Match – Both Promote Contemplative Spirituality
Liberty University Climbs Deeper into the Contemplative/Emerging Camp
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