1. Mark

    Very interesting testimony Marie. The problem is that if anyone is involved in a church like that, they must trust the church. Therefore, they don’t read articles that are critical of that type of church. They are saturated in the false teaching and cannot get out. That’s what happened to me. When I read articles that spoke about ‘prosperity gospel,’ I thought, “That’s an exaggeration. All churches need money, otherwise they wouldn’t exist.” It was only by chance I got into a different church that I gradually realized how misleading the megachurches can be. There are millions in these churches. Maybe God knows who His children are and gradually leads them out. It is very concerning how dangerous false teaching is. Clever, cunning, carnal leaders keep people captive.

  2. Phyllis Nissila

    Thank you for your testimonies, everyone, and Marie for describing a gracious way to leave a church.
    I searched for the protocol in Scripture, too, and it was a comfort to know “how” to leave.

    I just wanted to share a link to a “church locator” through which I found a Bible teaching church very close to me, where I have been going for almost nine months, now:

  3. Praise God for when He opens our eyes in discernment! His Word is the essential ingredient to a new beginning of truth. Within these dark days, I am completely grateful you can listen to Dr. John G. Mitchell who reached the world for Christ with only the Bible. No radio program comes close to the magnificent teaching of Dr. Mitchell. He taught in opposition to compromise, not being one with this sinful world. He was a man who was above reproach and evangelized around the world as well as being an instructor at a Bible College.

    You can listen to Dr. Mitchell daily on this Internet network: http://kccsonline.net The program is entitled “The Unchanging Word.” You can listen to the program at 11:30 pm, PST (Pacific Standard Time) on weekdays; and 5:30 pm on weekends. You can adjust according to your time zone.

    To listen to his programs at any time, please link here: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/unchanging-word0

    A message by Dr. John G. Mitchell regarding pastors trafficking the souls of men: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_I4pqDJ9kE&feature=youtu.be

  4. Phil Smith

    Good to hear Marie that you had faith to step out. Far too many are still stuck inside Babylon, wanting to know where they are going to go next before doing so. This is unbelief and disobedience. “Come out from among them… and I will be to you a Father and you to Me sons and daughters” is the promise.
    If God’s people would take the first step, He will direct us to new pastures of fellowship in due time

  5. Sandie

    It’s sad to think how many times I have read stories like Marie’s on Lighthouse Trails, but at the same time it is an encouragement to me to know I’m not alone. Thank you all and especially Lighthouse Trails. I pray for strength for our Lord’s true church. Sandie

  6. Tom

    Well yes, a Mega church is an oxymoron because to be great in the eyes of men you must compromise which all mega churches do.

    Jesus turned his 15k mega church feeding the 5k men and families into a mini church over nite after he preached about his body and his blood .

    Mega churches are allowed by God for one basic reason . To test us if we know him and his voice !

    As kindling is stored up in great barns for a great fire so are blind sheep sent to blind shepherds for the same thing!

    And God will send them teachers to tickle their ears as a judgment against them ! 2 Tim

  7. Lisa

    I have that app but I only use it to make images out of the verses and to read it.
    However..I’m not sure about the updates they want to give the Bible versions and I don’t click on update. I don’t do anything else with the app, so it seems alright for what I use it for. Thanks for the warning though!

  8. Linda George

    The first red flag is when they get you involved in leadership, I believe. We were at church every time it was open, basically. For ourselves, our children, youth, teens, children’s ministry, you name it. We have also travelled between Australia and New Zealand to live so it’s easy to say goodbye. It’s hard to leave the dear friends, and many of those dear friends will never talk to you again or reach out to you. Thankfully during covid, two of closestour friends from charismatic church days got in touch with us again and we have enjoyed fellowship with them. They are still charismatic, but sometimes I will say something when there’s a post on Facebook by one of them. I’ll just point them back to the word of God. The other one is not on Facebook. But yes, we have left many churches, including one Presbyterian church in New Zealand where the minister or went to Spokane on his sabbatical and came back born again, apparently. My take on that was that he should have resigned for lying in the first place! However when he said he was going to teach on healing until we all got it, I got it indeed. “Up to here” as they say in Australia which means your hand is somewhere above your head. As in we were drowning in it and I had had enough. My husband was an Elder and went one week after I refuse to go and then said that that was it, he’d had enough as well. Fortunately God had got us into an actual good Bible College and church next door, where we were accepted as members. First church I’ve been a member of ever. It’s funny, but there are times when you don’t want to be a member of a church and you don’t want your name on their book when it’s already in God’s Book of Life. I think that’s a good sign that something isn’t quite right. I hope your husband is standing there with you. And that you’re communication with him is going well. [LT note: Maria is now a widow.]

  9. Jen

    Good for you Marie and praise God that He blessed you with a double portion of wisdom and discernment to see the error then make the decision to walk away. It’s painful to leave behind friends but as you alluded to, you can’t unsee it.

    I thank God for LHTR’s ministry as their information is invaluable. After learning about contemplative prayer and some authors of books being promoted, I saw a friend post online a book by one of these authors. I reached out to her to gently share what I had learned from Lighthouse Trails and attaching the website for her to do her own study. She quipped back, ‘ I love everything contemplative!’ Haven’t heard from her since and that was years ago. But the nugget was planted, and I pray someday that the Lord will lead her away instead of her choice to draw deeper into the movement.

    God is really separating the wheat from the chaff in this season and many eyes are being opened, but the majority choose to put their heads in the sand. I thank God daily for giving me such discernment; it’s a gift because who am I? I am a child of God just like you, Marie. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you daily.
    God’s blessings my sister in Christ.

  10. Alan Stump

    My wife and I have been to all the mega churches in town and have been deeply disappointed. Friends I work with, that go to those churches don’t understand why I have concerns . They say they are a verse by verse church, but they barely touch on a verse or two per chapter. The worship requires ear plugs at some. Things have been slowly changing in the overall church world; many of us are in search of a place God is central and the Word is searched deeply. It’s not about coffee and donuts! We need meat!

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