Meditation Warning 47 Years Ago

The following is an excerpt from Canada’s magazine, The Evangelical Christian. The date – September 1960! A warning about eastern meditation nearly 50 years ago.

“While we are sending missionaries to the Far East, that same area of the world is sending missionaries to us. Western governments and others seem at times to go out of their way to flatter the ancient but pagan religions, and often do much to undercut a vital influence that could be exercised in a spiritual mission to the world.

“Of particular note is the fact that ‘meditative religion’ such as Buddhism is gaining influence and power over the souls of men to an alarming degree. And as this material is being prepared for the press, a Toronto newspaper carries a full page advertisement to the effect that there will be a series of articles on Yoga ‘exercises.’ The student of comparative religions will know that these are not physical exercises, although the body is used as a means to attain a state of suspension and relaxation, but only for the spirit or soul to seek an unattainable position in the ‘world soul.’ As an exercise it may have benefit. But the true Yogi does not stop with an exercise of the body and this could be a means of luring many unsuspecting, anxious seeking souls into the false religion of Buddhism. Let the people of God beware of these subtle manoeuvres to instill pagan concepts into the spiritual life that can only be satisfied by the Lord Jesus Christ.” (The Evangelical Christian, 241 Yonge Street, Toronto, Canada, September 1960, p. 11 under the heading “World Missionary News” by Douglas C. Percy, Editor)