1. Heidi Lavoie

    The Word tells us that God does not take pleasure in the death of the wicked. But this woman has destroyed millions with her new age lies.

  2. CW

    Unless she repented before she died, this is true. A very sobering thought for everyone. THANKS BE TO GOD FOR HIS UNSPEAKABLE GIFT OF HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON!

    He is not willing that ANY should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance — and He has made the way for all to repent, if they will. Jesus said, “Whosoever will may come.”

  3. charles

    heb 9-27. romans 6-23 the wages of sin is death
    no reincarntion no purgatory hell hath enlarged

  4. Crystal Johnson

    Very sobering 🙁 she will now have to face the judgement of the One who will not be mocked. I tremble at the thought….thank You Jesus that you made a way for us to face the Holy One of Israel. Unutterable thanks and praise to Your beautiful Name.

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