By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times
November 19, 2011
My time here is coming to an end. It has been a very difficult time but it has been well worth the experience. Yesterday Pastor Achilla organized a full day seminar for me to speak at. The topic was Last Days deception. The meeting was held in a tent and well attended.
My first topic was called Wiles of the Devil. There was great difficulty in trying to get the power to work so that we could run the projector. After two generators and several attempts to try various power cords, linked together from a neighboring building, I went ahead and spoke without illustrations. We started at eleven in the morning and went until five. In light of the fact that only two years ago I was extremely ill and in bed for several months, yesterday was a major miracle.
During the afternoon it rained heavily but the tent held up and we were able to continue. I have had a few tent meetings in the past but none like this one. The tent was full of pastors, some who had come many miles to attend. As I dealt with current trends of apostasy in North America I wondered if they would be able to relate to what I was saying. When I had a chance to interact with them it became apparent that these meetings were timely for them as they were being already impacted from the west. Purpose driven Rick Warrenism has swept Africa and the Bible has been abandoned for a man’s book that provides a bridge to Rome. I also dealt with the coming one world religion for peace that is being orchestrated worldwide to set up the religion for the coming antichrist. Click here to continue reading. Please pray for Roger as he is making the long flights back home.
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