Tag: Catholicism

Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up – A Woman Whose Friend Pulled Her From the Fire

LTRP Note: The following story was submitted by a Lighthouse Trails reader and was written by her friend who just passed away. We are posting it as an exhortation to those who feel discouraged in trying to talk to friends,…

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A Story of Death to Life: From Catholicism to Christianity

By Barbara I was born into a devout Catholic family and culture, knowing only one non-Catholic family until I entered high school. As a baby of just a few weeks old, I was baptized by sprinkling with water. My parents,…

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Sneak Preview: Ray Yungen’s Last Book

As many of you know, Lighthouse Trails beloved author and co-laborer in Christ, Ray Yungen, passed away on October 16th 2016 at the age of 64 due to complications from a cancer treatment. Ray had just finished the rough draft…

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Taizé Community And How it Affected My life

By David Dombrowski Chief Editor of Lighthouse Trails Publishing As one of the editors of Chris Lawson’s new book, Taizé—A Community and Worship: An Ecumenical Reconciliation or an Interfaith Delusion?, I was asked if I would write the foreword because…

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Guest Post: Albert Mohler Gives Air Time to Author of “The Benedict Option” (A Monastic/Catholic Promoting Book)

LTRP Note: This is another example of a major Christian leader laying aside the integrity of biblical faith and giving credence to the Roman Catholicism and contemplative mysticism for the sake of “unity” and “morality.” By Cathy Mickel (Author of…

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Francis becomes 1st pope to visit an Anglican church in Rome

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. By FRANCES D’EMILIO Associated Press ROME (AP) — Pope Francis on Sunday became the first Catholic pontiff to visit an Anglican parish in Rome, using the historic occasion to…

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The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel

LTRJ Note: The following is the content of  Roger Oakland’s booklet,  The New Missiology – Doing Missions Without the Gospel. We are reposting this important article because Lighthouse Trails has many new readers who may not have seen this. By…

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Pew Forum Study: One-in-Five U.S. Adults Were Raised in Interfaith Homes

LTRP Note: The Pew Research Center is a liberal secular think tank. We sometimes post the results of their studies as they can show the direction that Americans are going, spiritually. In this particular study, it states that over one…

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Letter to the Editor from a Former Young Life Leader: “My biblical background was considered a liability instead of a blessing.”

LTRP Note: Please also refer to the two articles below this letter to the editor. Dear Editor, I read with great interest the history of how Lighthouse Trails came into being. As you unfolded the story, it was so evident…

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U.S. Catholic University Hires Hindu Priest as Chaplain

By Jonah Hicap Christian Today Jesuit-run Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. became the first university in the U.S. to hire a Hindu priest as chaplain. “Part of our mission and our ethos is our desire to form the whole person,”…

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Letter to the Editor: Does Lighthouse Trails Only Cover the Contemplative Prayer Issue?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I was thinking about the cost of mail and how it affects your ministry.  I wonder whether it would now require broader topics to keep it going.  So many of your readers like me have read your…

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The Spirituality of Teresa of Avila – A Mystic to Whom Contemplatives Turn

Castles in the Sand by Carolyn A. Greene is a story based on true facts and addresses the fast growing contemplative prayer movement within the evangelical/Protestant church. The story is about a 21st century Christian college girl who is introduced to…

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