1. Jason

    Thank you brother Warren, for your service to God and the Church. Being a watchmen, and alerting other members of the body, about false teachings, infiltration into the Church. Discernment is something Christian’s need to grow in, thankful for others, who have shined the light of the Gospel into the dark places.

  2. Cheryl Narayan

    Thank you Warren, so grateful for you and your wife! I’m glad you’re still with us and still working at something to benefit those who need it as well as believers! I pray God keeps you in good health, your wife as well!

  3. CW

    God Bless You, Warren! You are much appreciated. I pray you will be strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit to continue in the grace of God to bless the Body of Christ as His love, truth, and power flow through you. You are SO needed in this day and time.

  4. Heather A

    I have been blessed by every one of Warren’s books, all insightful, and exposing the various New Age agendas that are creeping into the church at large.
    Also, while not a ministry book, I highly recommend his, “Watering The Greyhound Garden” … very well written and a superb read!

  5. Gary G.

    I also have been blessed by his ministry. I bought (Kindle), read and gave the (book) -The Light That Was Dark- to my sister that has been into A Course In Miracles for decades. Please pray that it will speak to her when searching for truth, penetrating her heart at the right time. I have been praying that “they” will show themselves for who the actually are turning her to Christ for peace.

    Thank you Warren for your many years of ministry.

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