Assemblies of God Leader Promotes Universalist “Christian” in AOG Magazine

by John Lanagan
Word Like Fire

What would you do if a Superintendent of a large denominational district wrote an article promoting a universalist author? And what if this article was published and distributed in a popular  denominational magazine? What if, in several months of back and forth emails, the Superintendent never took steps to correct this, and in fact, continued to express his admiration for the universalist?

Neither has the  magazine acknowledged the error in publishing the article.

I have not wanted to write about this. I have, I believe, allowed much time to go by, hoping this would be corrected. Well, it’s February. The article was published in late October of 2009.

I am going to provide the link to the magazine article. You will see names like Richard Foster, Henri Nouwen, Annie Dillard, Tony Campolo and Anne Lamott. You will see that the  Superintendent quotes from The Message without ever noting it is not the  Word of God.

I will get more detailed if I have to. For now, please realize Anne Lamott is a universalist who has a “jesus” as her god: She believes all paths lead to heaven.  She is very honest about it. Yet, as you read this article, you will see that she is never identified as anything other than a Christian. This is a terrible thing to spring on the sheep. How many went out and bought Lamott’s books based on this article? Click here to read more and for links and documentation.