Canadian Trevor Baker Sings About Apostasy in the Church and the Last Days

Saskatchewan singer, Trevor Baker, and his wife, Jennifer, have been traveling around North America for over eight years now warning believers  (and non-believers too) about apostasy in the church and the time the Bible calls the Last Days. Lighthouse Trails learned about Trevor from Roger Oakland of Understand the Times, and we’ve been listening to his music ever since. We believe his music is a blessing from the Lord that will uplift, exhort, and strengthen. Below are the lyrics to one of his songs, It’s All in Place from the CD with the same name and also 30 second clips of the songs in that CD. Lighthouse Trails is selling three of Trevor’s CDs and his Let’s Go Home DVD (you can also watch this DVD at our store site). By special arrangement with Trevor, if you are unable to purchase the CDs at the full price, you may have one for free or for a donation. Just mail us your name and mailing address, tell us which CD of his you want (of the three we carry), and please send $2.95 (U.S.A.) for shipping with any donation you might be sending. To order the CDs or DVD online, click here.

Listen to 30 second song clips from the CD, It’s All In Place (see lyrics to title song below).

It’s All In Place
© Trevor Baker 2010

If we didn’t see it coming we do now
It was quiet for some time
But now it’s loud
Like a train you faintly heard
So far away
The picture’s getting clearer

The house of God
Where steeples used to ring
Has morphed into
A strange peculiar thing
The Lord said all these things
Would come to pass
But who knew it would happen
Quite this fast

Friends we knew
Who were so strong before
Now stand in line
At each new open door
Not questioning the outcome
Or the source
They can’t be deterred from heading
Down this course

The feelings this drums up
Can’t be described
Some days all you want to do is hide
I’ve been through my Bible
With a fine toothed comb
And all the signs are sayin’
Soon we’re goin’ home


We’re going home
The signs are all in place
It’s moving quickly now
It’s picking up the pace
We’re going home
It’s time to grab your coat
The chances of the days extending
Are remote

They say that where there’s smoke
There’s always fire
You can tell the end
By what has happened prior
The Bible’s clear
On how things will unfold
And all these things
Have clearly been foretold

If the days were not cut short
None would be saved
And there’s little said
About the free and brave
The proud have all been given
Ample choice
Only the broken and the humble
Hear His voice


And they’re going home
The signs are all in place
It’s moving quickly now
It’s picking up the pace
They’re going home
The ark’s about to float
Fulfilling every word
That Jesus spoke


It’s countless all the names
That will be scratched
All because they lived
With strings attached


But we’re going home
The signs are all in place
It’s moving quickly now
It’s picking up the pace
We’re going home
It’s time to grab your coat
The chances of the days extending
Are remote