“CDC Promotes Meditation in Public Schools to Promote ‘Equity’”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Ben Johnson
The Washington Stand

The Biden-Harris administration is promoting the use of controversial meditation, yoga, and “mindfulness” techniques derived from Buddhism and Hinduism in public schools, although studies have found the practices have a negative effect on young people’s mental health. In addition to promoting a supposedly secularized form of non-Christian religion and its attendant worldview, the administration’s guidelines encourage teachers to have students ruminate on any beliefs they have that might hinder the progress of “equity.”

As students begin heading back to school, hundreds or thousands of teachers will be conducting “mindfulness” classes purportedly aimed at reducing stress and improving focus after the pandemic lockdowns. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has drawn up a six-part strategy allegedly aimed at improving students’ mental health after the lockdowns. The “CDC has identified six school-based strategies and associated approaches that can help prevent mental health problems and promote positive behavioral and mental health of students,” states its website. Click here to continue reading.

Related Articles:

LT Booklet:  MINDFULNESS—What You May Not Know and Should Have Been Told

Children and New Age Mindfulness Meditation by Berit Kjos

(image from istockphoto.com; used with permission; design by LT)

4 thoughts on ““CDC Promotes Meditation in Public Schools to Promote ‘Equity’”

  1. Cherry, thank you so much for sharing this heart-wrenching story. And bravo for you for the way you handled it! To think that took place in 1991, and now it’s pretty much in most (if not all) of the public schools. Parents beware!

  2. I am so sad to see this happening! We need to pray for children in public schools!

    In 1991, my then 5th grade child came home from school very distraught. The teacher had all of the desks pushed against the walls. She instructed the class to lie down on their back and close their eyes. She then said, imagine you are in a beautiful forest alongside a gently flowing stream. You listen to birds sing and become very calm. Imagine now a hot pink fluid flowing through your veins taking away all sorrow, pain, and suffering…” My child refused to participate and was openly rebuked by the teacher. Needless to say, I went to the school the early the next morning and made it clear that this was inappropriate and would not be tolerated. Later that morning when class began, the teacher, with eyes on my child, opened up with, “Well class, we won’t get to begin our day with calming meditation because someone’s mommy doesn’t like it!” My child suffered a great deal of bullying from her classmates that day. I again went to the school and had a very straightforward conversation with the teacher, in the company of the principal, about the legal consequences she would face if she continued to bully my child and encourage other children to bully her. The problem “resolved,” but only insofar as anything outward. My daughter was ostracized by her classmates and the teacher found creative ways to bully her. Thankfully, she was born again in Christ prior to this incident and was emboldened in her faith.

    We had another child when our youngest was 18. We homeschooled him, as I didn’t feel I had the energy it would take to deal with dumbed-down education and the ever progressive push to “cleanse” children of faith in Christ.

    God help us.

  3. Matthew 18:6 is the scripture that came to my mind when reading this article. The Lord’s Word is very clear about our little ones. Thank you for your work to inform us of the continuing dangers children are facing daily.

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