Letter to the Editor and All Contenders of the Faith: 3 Things to Consider

I’m a second-hand reader, who reads the LT Journal when I visit with friends. The May Journal had a short article titled, “LT Is Against Everything?” I, too, have the heart of an apologist, but my spiritual gift is exhortation – another one that most folks don’t like. They love the encouragement side but not the confrontational side. I know how the frontal attack of “negativity” gets hurled around at apologetics people. I wish to offer you and other contenders of the faith an encouraging word to stand strong and remain clear in your focus. Here’s how my confrontational side would answer those who pitch the “negativity” knuckle-ball at you. There are three things they should consider:

1) Consider – LT is not a ministry for toddlers; and it is not a ministry to supply clever youth activities for millennials who are addicted to their iPhones. LT is an apologetics ministry with people who are burdened for a dying church; they find themselves in a spiritual war that most people cannot fathom. Apologists today look around and see so much turning from the Truth of God’s Word and a turning toward the pagan, the obscene, the mystical, and toward ministries that are more worldly-wise than biblically sound. Their mission, their calling, their burden is not to add more entertainment to the American church and certainly not more sugar-coated candy nuggets. The church is already full of cavities and poor health from such a steady diet of that junk. LT’s goal is not more wit and humor to make someone’s day more enjoyable. They are dodging bullets and artillery shells to warn people of the enemy that has surrounded and infiltrated the American church at every level. A watchman on the wall must sound the alarm, or the watchman will be judged for failure to live up to his/her calling, (see Ezekiel 33:1-9). Every pastor should be a watchman – as shepherds, their primary responsibility to their Lord is to feed the flock and protect it.

2) Consider – American culture, highly influenced by Hollywood, Madison Avenue, and pornography, has come to the place where anyone who quotes a Bible verse is accepted as a true Christian believer. Pardon me, but HOGWASH! Satan quoted the Scriptures! Check out the Gospel record of Jesus vs. Satan during Christ’s temptations in the wilderness. And you better believe that the devil didn’t take the Bible verses out of context because he was talking with the Bible’s author – Jesus the very WORD of God, Himself. In that sense, Satan was far more accurate in his misuse of the Bible than his modern-day disciples. Satan’s messengers come as angels of light. Second Corinthians 11:14-15 states:

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

And this passage follows v.4:

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.

How? By being deceived! There are 2 different Greek words for “another.” There is allos which is another of a similar kind; then there is heteros which is another of a different kind. In the passage above it is, another Jesus of a similar kind . . . another spirit of a different kind . . . another Gospel of a different kind.

Many people today follow a Jesus who is similar to the true Jesus of the Bible, but the two are not the same. Then, preachers tweak the message into a completely different gospel powered by a completely different spirit. Thanks be to God for warning us about this in the 1st Century’s church in Corinth. And it is to that same 1st Century church in Corinth, that Paul said,

Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? (2 Corinthians 13:5)

You see, mystical experiences deceive the heart, soul, and mind. And the modern American church is floating in a tsunami of mysticism in the name of another Jesus!

3) Consider – The prophet Isaiah faced the same situation that LT and so many contenders of the faith face. Isaiah’s opening salvo records God calling the heavens and earth to bear witness of His coming judgment on Israel. Isaiah 1:2-7:

Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the Lord hath spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.
The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider. Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the Lord, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward. Why should ye be stricken any more? ye will revolt more and more: the whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint. From the sole of the foot even unto the head there is no soundness in it; but wounds, and bruises, and putrifying sores: they have not been closed, neither bound up, neither mollified with ointment. Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.

God had chastened Israel; but it did no good! Their wounds were laid bare, but nobody took the time to clean, dress, and bandage the wounds! The LORD then lists His complaint against Israel; a complaint that covers everything from sexual perversion, neglect of widows and orphans, political corruption, stealing, lying, and even how the women dressed themselves for lusty appeal rather than godliness. He spends chapters letting them know exactly why they will be judged. And almost all of it has modern equivalents that can be found in our homes on the TV. By the time Isaiah gets to chapter 30:8-10, God tells him:

Now go, write it before them in a table, and note it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits.

“Preach positive things to us; don’t be so negative all the time,” the people cried. Just like some say, “Why is LT so negative all the time?” Well, the patient – the American church – is on the mortician’s slab, breathing its last few gasps of air. God’s remedy is not to find some motivational speaker, like Joel Osteen, to speak positive sounding things to the dying carcass. The death thralls won’t be fixed by hearing positive and sugar-coated slogans. The need is to recognize the current low view of God and His Word and find a genuine heart-felt repentance for chasing after all the worldliness that appeals to the flesh.

LT and other contenders of the faith have a very difficult task. With their gift of discernment and a calling to apologetics, they must stand against the onslaught of corrupt religious movements. As watchmen on the wall, they are accountable to God to warn His people. It takes an extremely strong commitment to stand against the constant opposition, most of which comes from so-called believers who don’t have a clue that a death battle is in progress.

Finally, Jesus said:

Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matthew 7:13-14)

Do you get it? Narrow is the way . . . few will find it . . . There are precious few today who truly see what is going on in the American religious realm. Much of it can be labeled as non-Christian and anti-Christian; yet it has fooled MANY. But again, thanks be to God for LT and its crucial and timely rescue ministry. ===================

So, to the editors and authors at Lighthouse Trails (and to all contenders of the faith), be faithful, be diligent, continue to be loving, and be kind. We are out here, and we appreciate all your research and detailed citations of popular errors. Shrug off the negativity germ! Stay faithful, and keep on warning those who have believed another Jesus with another gospel and another spirit. You never know who, or how many lives, you might rescue before the coming day of the Lord. And your reward for faithfulness will be an eternal blessing from the hand of the Lord Jesus. May God richly bless you as honor and serve Him.


14 thoughts on “Letter to the Editor and All Contenders of the Faith: 3 Things to Consider

  1. 9 October 2019/10 Tishri 5780/The Day of Atonement

    To Mark, LHT, and Visitors of this wonderful site:

    I was greatly encouraged by this message from Mark when I first read it when it was posted by Lighthouse Trails. I don’t know why I never commented, but I liked it so much that I pinned it to my Twitter page at C. Read@TrueLightPublic. (I have linked to different articles at Twitter that shows how outrageous things are getting in the churches…. I don’t know how long God will put up with His Son, His Word, and His Church being blasphemed!

    I just thank God for those who are willing to warn others of the great danger taking place in the name of Jesus Christ!

    May God be with LHT and all those who are faithfully standing for the truth! God bless you and your efforts as you serve Him!

    With the love of Christ,
    C. Read

  2. Great article and many great responses. I have lived and lamented over this for almost 20 years like layers of an onion, things have been revealed to me under each layer. I believe many well-meaning pastors and church leaders just don’t have their guard up because they think the Holy Spirit would not allow them to be deceived. I say there are none so deceived as those who believe they cannot be deceived. Charles Spurgeon and Henry Guinness were trying to warn the church in the 1800s. I would encourage everyone to do a search of and read the lectures given by Henry Guinness called Romanism And The Reformation. The full text of the lectures is on the Internet.

  3. In Israel, according to the Law of Moses, the professional clergy were the Levites.
    Many in Israel went astray from the Law, away from God, many many times.
    Please show me where the professional clergymen took a stand for the truth. Please name the Levite or a member of the Sanhedrin, named in Hebrews 11.
    Before they had a king, God had to raise up a list of Judges to do the what the clergy would not do.
    God allowed Israel to have a king which was a rejection of Him.
    God still could not rely on the clergy but had to raise up a list of Prophets to keep the people and even the king right with God.
    Only a minority of clergy stood with the early reformers. As it has always been so it is today.
    There can be only one explanation for the reality that almost every congregation in the world has permitted some degree of apostasy to go unchallenged.
    For whatever reason, the professional clergy will not take a stand. Point out the truth and they will resist you and possibly pressure you to leave “their” congregation.
    Teachers will be judged more harshly. Do they really think that this behavior will get them, “well done thy good and faithful servant” from Jesus? to the contrary.

  4. Thank you Mark for the much needed encouragement and Lighthouse Trails for your faithfulness! May our Lord continue to bless your ministry!

  5. Those accusing LT are likely clueless regarding the unrelenting attack on the church. The attack is coming from almost every angle, at an ever increasing pace. Having been in a brass group, we played in a wide range of protestant churches and events, over many years. I am dumfounded by the number of churches tainted by things such as new age garbage to Godless ultra left- wingism. This ranges from more minor falling away to full throttle evil. Just checking the websites of these churches provides clues. If I were to guess, an estimated 70-80% of churches in our area are tainted, at least in a small way; and maybe it is worse than this. Thank God for websites like LT because it is difficult to nearly impossible for individuals to identify the most of the players and programs in Satan’s sneak multi-facetted attacks. “Christian” celebrities/heavy-weights are among the worst sources. Part of their message may be good but the rest is destructive to Christianity and makes accommodations for many many things that have no business being the same universe as the God of the Bible. Sadly many friends have been sucked down the drain of the deceptive cesspool. The spirit of anti-Christ is certainly having many successes ——-for now.

    If it is misconstrued that LT is picking on everyone – that is on the heads of naïve, unlearned “Christians” who have zeal with little to no knowledge. For their sake, these accusers need to get their heads out of the sand. Their apathy is not only destroying themselves, but all those around them. They are complicit in the epidemic falling away of the church. So go ahead and just float along sucking in every deception of the day and drift away from God. If you need something to do while you drift – work on concocting your story to convince God of you wisdom and great choices like bashing the warnings of those like LT. Thank you LT. Please continue with God’s work.

  6. Sooooooo well said! Thank you, Mark, and LT for your undying commitment to the proclamation of the truth and purity of God’s word. This piece will be shared (as I have shared other posts). God bless!

  7. Great encouragement! Its the same in the UK too I’m afraid…..your article is a blessing! God ‘shouted’ Ezekiel 33 at me last year when I needed to speak up…which I did and am no longer in my church after 22 years being there. But I felt a liberation if I’m honest. I did what was right in God’s eyes, not man’s.
    Blessings to you and all at LT in Jesus’ Holy and awesome Name! 🙂

  8. Yes, thank you Mark & LHT. For sharing this. Prayers too for all the contenders of the faith, Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ for this all too. Our strength comes from Him as we surely know. An articles like this; in these times > “is” like a cup of cold water….

  9. Yes, thank you, Mark, for your thoughtful, well-written and encouraging letter. It really boosted my spirit when I read it earlier today.

  10. Well said. LHT thank you for your excellent work. So few are sending out this critical wake-up call. You are doing the “heavy lifting” so that we have the tools to take this warning to our churches. Lord help us to be faithful to your Word and your calling.

  11. Thank you, Mark! I have to say hallelujah! Hallelujah is used to express praise, joy, or thanks according to Merriam-Webster’s definition. I say this uplifting article caused all three for me (and surely for others too)! When this letter ‘to the Editor’ is printed in the next Lighthouse trails Journal, I’m framing it. God bless you, Mark, for the encouraging talk and for lighting a fire(if one needed to be lit). I loved: ‘LT is not a ministry for toddlers’ and so it isn’t, praise God! We need the truth no matter if it hurts, no mollycoddling foolishness. Lay it on the line, clearly, just like John the Baptist did!

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