By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times International
Here’s the news headline: “Warren challenges Baptists to promote peace worldwide, starting in Texas.” [1] Pastor Rick Warren had just presented a keynote address at the annual meeting of the Baptist General Convention of Texas encouraging Christians to “establish the kingdom of God” on planet earth.
Pastor Warren is well known for his three-legged stool plan that is designed to implement his global PEACE plan. Warren learned about such a plan from Peter Drucker, a well known consultant who promoted church growth methods based on a market-driven Christianity.
Warren’s three-legged stool plan has three legs – the three legs are business, government and the church. [2]
Establishing the kingdom of God on planet earth is one of the goals of the PEACE plan and the Purpose Driven Church. It can be documented that Warren’s Purpose Driven Plan and the emerging church plan are similar. Both plans work together with people of various faiths, unifying for a common cause to do good. This is interesting in light of Pastor Warren’s previous statements that he can work together with those of diverse faiths and beliefs such as Muslims, homosexuals and the Roman Catholics. [3]
It should also be noted that Pastor Warren has slightly modified the PEACE plan since it was originally conceived. The “P” in the PEACE plan now stands for something different than what was originally meant when the PEACE plan was first announced in April of 2005. Initially the “P” was for “planting churches.” Now, the “P” stands for “promoting reconciliation. Click here to continue reading and for endnotes.
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