Yesterday, we addressed Rick Warren’s e-newsletter, which had an article by emerging church leader Dan Kimball. Below is an article just sent to us that shows how a “Christian” witch is describing the same spirituality that Kimball describes in his article. The article below links to a website that should not be read by children because of its occultic nature. However, we believe parents need to read this to better understand the true nature of contemplative and emerging spiritualities that have entered the church and will most likely affect your family at some point. While tens of thousands of teenagers will be at Sunday School this morning, we fear that many will be receiving a hearty dose of New Age/occultic spirituality, under the guise of Christian terminology:
Rick Warren Comes Out of the Closet
by Jocelyn Andersen
Included in Rick Warren’s Ministry Tool Box (an email pastor’s resource sent to multiplied thousands of ministers each week) is an article by Dan Kimball, pastor of Vintage Faith Church, which contains a basic outline for beginning practitioners of Christian Witchery.
Of course Dan doesn’t exactly call it by that name. However, Miss Rawna Moon, Christian Witch and Web Mistress has no problem at all with calling a spade a spade. And point for point she is in agreement with Kimball on the essential steps (link no longer active) to successfully practicing Christian Witchery.
Sacred Space
Dan instructs his readers to attend to “the notion of sacred space.”
Isn’t it interesting that Miss Rawna Moon does the same thing when she instructs beginners in Christian Witchery that the first thing they need to do is get a sacred space and, “Always keep before you that what you are doing here is not using the sacred space as a thing, but relating to it as fellow creatures of the Creating One and so your brothers and sisters. Try to let this place be a place where you let go of the modernistic idea of humanity above and separate from nature. Instead realize that you are part of this place and you are not above it or more important than it. Begin to learn how to listen to it as your teacher.”
Contemplative Prayer
Kimball openly advocates contemplative prayer in his push for a more experiencial form of relating to God. He boldly recommends that churches begin, “Implementing ancient forms of worship, in addition to more recent ways. When choosing to implement something like *Lectio Divina* (a contemplative praying of the Scriptures)…
Miss Rawna is in complete agreement with kimball on this. Here is what she has to say about contemplative prayer and its inestimable value to Christian Witchery: “Different spiritual traditions call this practice we call centering by many different names. It is the basic idea in Transcendental Meditation. It was the core spiritual discipline in many streams of Christian Monasticism and was called Contemplative Prayer. Buddhists are basically doing this when they chant. In current Christian spirituality, Father Thomas Keating, a Catholic priest, has been vital in reintroducing this practice to the Church, often referring to it as centering prayer… Shamans and Witches of many diverse faith systems throughout the ages, centering is the first step in entering a spiritual realm. This doesn’t mean centering doesn’t have all the value that those who see it as the ultimate spiritual discipline say it has. It probably has a lot more, in fact. The simple truth is that if we can’t center, we can’t do anything.”
Are symbols, in order to assist in worship, now being implemented at Saddleback Church as Dan Kimball recommended when he wrote, “you can use the worship space itself as an expression of worship by attending to the notion of sacred space. Use religious symbols and artwork…?”
Kimball suggests using the cross as a focal point during worship. This is nothing more than turning the cross into an idol. When the scriptures refer to the cross of Christ, it is always in reference to the atoning work done there. Not to the cross itself. Satanists wear crosses.
Crosses are one of the oldest symbols in history and are used in all forms of occult and witchcraft. It is not the cross we focus on during worship, it is Christ, and he is not embodied in any symbol.
That is one of the reasons for the 2nd Commandment, “Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing…” Rick Warren must be in agreement with this idolatrous practice as the article promoting it is found on his,, website.
Christian Witches simply cannot practice their craft without symbols, as Rawna Moon makes abundantly clear when she instructs her proteges to, “Brainstorm symbols you can use to help you focus on the Divine as Goddess and Jesus as the living Sophia. Also brainstorm symbols which may be neutral genderwise but will remind you of the Christian Good News and help you focus on your life in Christ. Get some of these symbols… construct your own altar. Place on it the symbols you have determined you need on it.”
Praying With Crystals
Kimball also recommends using crystals as an aid to prayer, “Set up a table with salt crystals and a map of your town, and have people pray for your community as they drop [the] salt [crystals] on places on the map”
New Agers and all other practitioners of the occult also use crystals for healing and prayer (among other things). We read on the webpage The Wonderful World of Crystals, “We project a certain appeal into the heart of a crystal. We ask a crystal to help a person with a certain disease, to preserve his emotional balance or to help with any other thing. We direct the energy of a crystal. The dispersed energy of a crystal will flow according to our request. This radiation will vibrate in the field of our aura.”
Dan Kimball obviously has Rick Warren’s blessing in advocating the integration of these unscriptural, occult practices into the worship of Jesus Christ in our church services.
This is a dangerous sinful, practice. We are admonished in scripture not to learn the way of the heathen. Simply because the name “Christian” is attached to something, does not mean it is endorsed biblically, and the practices advocated by Rick Warren via Dan Kimball (and others) are without a doubt the way of the heathen being introduced to unsuspecting sheep under the guise of worship by trusted shepherds.
Therefore ye shepherds, hear the Word of the Lord; As I live, saith the Lord God, surely because my flock became a prey, and my flock became meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, neither did my shepherds search for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock; Therefore, O ye shepherds, hear the word of the Lord; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves anymore;l for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them… Ezekiel 34:7-10
The scriptures further say to Rick Warren, Dan Kimball, and all others who are leading the flock of the Lord astray with these abominable teachings, if they do not repent and turn from thier wicked ways, they will fall into the pit along with all the unfortunates who follow them, and they will stand before the Judge of all the earth and answer for their sin.
Used with permission, Rick Warren Comes Out of the Closet by Jocelyn Andersen
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