Why the bad attitude about Alcoholics Anonymous?

LTRP Note: John Lanagan of My Word Like Fire Ministries has been writing about his concerns with Alcoholics Anonymous for some time. The following post is his response to those who don’t understand why he focuses so much time on AA and its roots.

By John Langan
My Word Like Fire Ministries

Another reader is puzzled why all this is written about A.A.  We are also right on the verge of the No, really, A.A. really, really has Christian roots Conference (as I call it). Here is a response, which I gave to a reader who wondered why there is so much about A.A. co-founder Bill Wilson:

Hath a nation changed [their] gods, which [are] yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for [that which] doth not profit. (Jeremiah 2:11)

“You pay far more attention to Bill W. than all of AA put together. Do you think people worship him? Most know he had some issues, but also that he was only a co-founder, and since AA has no leadership structure, really he was just one individual member. So why do you think that so much of AA hinges on one man? I can understand your opposition to false religions, but since I have a religion (Christianity) and it is not AA (even though I am a member), I’m confused on several of your blogs, there is a lot of false teaching in what you are saying. Are you basing your opinion’s on some bad experiences? How many different groups have you been to and how many different states? You do realize that groups differ as much as different churches and denominations, that claim to be following the Bible?”

My Word Like Fire’s reply:

Thanks for the civility. I want to start with your statement, “there is a lot of false teaching in what you are saying.” Actually, with all the angry letters etc., no one has ever been able to show that any of my facts are in error. Thus the responses tend to be of a more personal nature, or lean towards accusations of legalism.