LTRP Note: The following two alerts are by Chris Lawson (director of Spiritual Research Network and a former Calvary Chapel pastor) and Roger Oakland (director of Understand the Times and former Calvary Chapel teacher and lecturer). These two men do not hate Calvary Chapel; rather they are deeply concerned and have been attempting to warn Calvary Chapel pastors and congregants of the dangerous direction that Calvary Chapel is heading.

By Chris Lawson
Spiritual Research Network
Dear Reader,
There are numerous sources online now that are reporting on the imbalanced Calvary Chapel leadership issues as well as the growing ecumenical compromises. Many Calvary Chapel pastors as well as the Calvary Chapel Association Leadership Council (formerly CCOF Ministry, Inc.) are aware of many of the growing problems, but sadly, little is being done to publicly expose and correct these things.
Please note that Spiritual Research Network (SRN) is not affiliated with Calvary Chapel or any other church or movement. SRN is an independent Christian ministry that seeks to proclaim the Gospel and warn and equip the body of Christ against the dangers of cults, mystical/occult practices, and ecumenical compromise. SRN also seeks to help people who have been abused in cults and by aberrant and abusive church leaders. . .
After personally spending many hours over the past twelve years helping hurting people who have been affected by growing problematic trends within many Calvary Chapel fellowships, it appears that the road ahead for the Calvary Chapel is a sad one.
When I personally contacted CCOF Ministry numerous times in 2011, and also Calvary Chapel (Komo Mai) in Honolulu, Hawaii, it became quickly obvious that CCOF Ministry and Calvary Chapel (Komo Mai) were above being corrected. I was not only yelled at through the telephone, one “pastor” told me that ministries such as Understand the Times International and Lighthouse Trails were not reliable. Incredibly, another “pastor” responded the same way and told me that ministries like Let Us Reason Ministries and Apologetics Coordination Team (and by implication our Spiritual Research Network), were like “cults.”
Unfortunately, it appears now (from 2012 onward) that the Calvary Chapel Association is seriously struggling with what they are going to allow and not allow within the Calvary Chapel movement. The compromises continue and the confusion simply continues to grow. Sadly, if things do not change for the better, it is only a matter of time before the leaven of Emergent and Ecumenical apostasy infects the entire Calvary bChapel movement and numerous splits occur. In the mean time, many will continue to silently leave churches that are compromising. Many others who do have the courage to address issues head on within their fellowship will face resistance, and that most likely, at the highest levels.

By Roger Oakland
Understand the Times, International
The video link below goes to a video showing a panel discussion at the Calvary Chapel 2012 Pastor’s Conference with Greg Laurie, Bob Coy and Brian Brodersen is a must watch. If you are wondering what has happened to many of the Calvary Chapels and where they are headed and why, this video will provide the answer.
Now that four years have passed and Chuck Smith has gone to be with the Lord (in 2013), like many other denominations, the Calvary Chapel association of churches has been influenced by the postmodern mindset in many ways and is on its way to becoming postmodern.
While those attending the 2012 conference were told there was no problem introducing the ideas of popular pastors known for their popular methods of reaching the postmodern generation, they were not told about the dangers. Four years later, many have found out where such reasoning leads.
While there are Calvary pastors who remain affiliated with Calvary Chapel who express their concerns, they remain silent for fear of rocking the boat or losing their position in the Calvary franchise.
See information about Roger’s upcoming book, a warning to the last-days church and leaders.
Related Information from Lighthouse Trails Research:
Click here to see the Lighthouse Trails archive of coverage on Calvary Chapel for over a decade.
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