“What does God’s Word say about times of isolation, imprisonment, and confinement? Much actually.”
By Sarah Leslie
Herescope Blog
It was late Spring of May 1984 when I first noticed there was a problem. After a trip to the doctor with an ultrasound I was sent home with very strict orders: “Lie back propped up, don’t lift anything heavy, don’t do housework, don’t leave home, don’t engage in risky behaviors.” A baby’s life in my womb was at stake so I diligently followed the doctor’s orders for the next three months.
This was not my first experience with being couch-ridden. Being stuck at home was an old friend and I knew it and its hidden joys very well. I actually looked forward to the isolation. You see, for a good chunk of my childhood I was an invalid. I missed most of second through fourth grade. My mother felt compelled to homeschool me in an era when it was extremely rare. For most of the time I did not feel well enough to do much more than read books or watch I Love Lucy and Three Stooges reruns on TV. But when I felt up to it I did my homework, keeping up with my classmates from afar. Eventually, because I had so much free time to read and study, I surpassed my classmates academically. One of the hidden benefits is that I learned how to learn, and I loved reading and studying. . . .
Two decades later, as day after day went by, and life went on, it felt pleasingly familiar. It began to dawn on me that this pregnancy crisis was actually a golden opportunity. When God closed the front door, quite literally, He opened other doors! Click here to continue reading.
(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)
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Awesome article, just what I needed during these days. I forwarded it to several of my sisters in Christ. I know it will encourage them to see what a great work the LORD is seeking to do in each of our lives if we only cooperate and trust in HIS wisdom. Thank you LTR for your faithfulness to the Body of Christ Jesus.
Thank you this was exactly what I needed. I shared it with great joy in my heart knowing others will be blessed by this as well.
Excellent article, Lighthouse Trails, with lots of very practical insights. Thank you so much for sharing that, and once again helping me to not feel so alone. We will be praying for you. God Bless.
Wonderful article! Thanks so much for this. I will pass it along.