Holy Yoga Wars: Spiritual Spat as Christians Stake Claim to Hindu Tradition

photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission.
photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission.

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes.

By Jill Stark
The Sydney Morning Herald

It is during yoga that Josephine Lau feels closest to Jesus.

A devout Christian, the mother-of-two is one of Australia’s first certified ”Holy Yoga” teachers.

“Since I’ve practised Holy Yoga I’ve felt that my connection with God is closer, particularly because you learn to dedicate time for that spiritual growth, the quiet time, the meditation. There’s an awareness of your own being,” she said.

But instead of meditating on the yogic philosophies of energy and chakras in the Indian tradition, she matches each pose with a Bible scripture she reads out to her class on Sydney’s lower north shore.

“I’m just trying to use yoga as a tool or a platform to share what I believe in. I find that it really grounds me.”

Christian yoga may seem like an oxymoron but it is one of the fastest growing areas in the American fitness industry and is catching on here.

Holy Yoga Ministries, the US-based organisation through which Lau was trained, has more than 850 teachers globally, running classes that offer “worship, praise and intimate connection to Christ.”  Click here to continue reading.

Related Information:

“Namaste Nation” – New 2016 Study Shows Staggering Growth in Yoga in America!

 YOGA: Exercise or Religion—Does it Matter? by Ray Yungen

 A Trip to India—to Learn the Truth About Hinduism and Yoga by Caryl Matrisciana