Today, The Berean Call issued the following email statement:
Thursday, February 01, 2007 10:14 AM
When the American Family Association was challenged for having a Contemplative/Mystical category at their Family Resource Bookstore, they removed the category, but kept the books and placed them in other categories. As another ministry previously reported [on 1/11/07]:
Under “Mysticism,” authors include mystics: Jean-Pierre De Caussade, St. John of the Cross, Evelyn Underhill, Calvin Miller, and many, many others with panentheistic persuasions. In Miller’s book, Into the Depths of God, he states: “Evelyn Underhill was a mystic who believed that mysticism was the vehicle in which all religions could come into contact with the ‘Absolute’ (God) however one perceived him to be. She states:
[T]hose who use the term Mysticism are bound in self-defense to explain what they mean by it. Broadly speaking, I understand it to be the expression of the innate tendency of the human spirit towards complete harmony with the transcendental order; whatever be the theological formula under which that order is understood. Whether that end be called the God of Christianity, the World-soul of Pantheism, the Absolute of Philosophy, the desire to attain it and the movement towards it-so long as this is a genuine life process and not an intellectual speculation-is the proper subject of mysticism. I believe this movement to represent the true line of development of the highest form of human consciousness.– Evelyn Underhill, from Mysticism: A Study in Nature and Development of Spiritual Consciousness
When well-meaning Christians (wittingly or unwittingly) enter into practices or teachings which are contrary to the Word of God, and therefore counterproductive to the cause of Christ, our love for them compels us to share our perspective with them. Those who expressed their concerns to the American Family Association did the right thing. The AFA did not.