LTRP Note: The following was sent to us regarding the recent article “Concern Expressed Over Voice of the Martyrs Article on Mystic Madame Jeanne Guyon.”
Thank you for bringing forward concerns over the “VOM” magazine article featuring mystic, Madame Guyon. My husband and I were appalled when we read it, and that same issue also had a disturbing article supposedly written by Richard Wurmbrand.This article actually has “Emergent” overtones in it’s intimation that Scripture is somehow vague and full of “white pages.” What? As I said,we were very concerned, but this was not the first time. “VOM” sends speakers to churches, and we put our name on their contact list to be notified when speakers were in our area. I have been surprised by some of the very liberal denominations and “Emergent”-leaning churches the speakers are invited to. We used to send part of our tithe to “VOM”, but not anymore. They, like so many ministries seem to be drifting in a perilous direction. Sadly,”VOM” has potential to influence untold numbers with “another gospel.” God bless you, and keep fighting the good fight. L. W.