College Student Stands Alone Against Emerging Spirituality

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LTRP Note: The following letter is one we received from the mother of a young man who attends a Christian university in the United States. For his protection and privacy, we are omitting the name of the institution and using the name John in place of his own. This week we spoke to him via telephone; he told us that many students at his school were attending churches that promoted contemplative and emerging spirituality.

The letter –

Dear Lighthouse Trails,
I just read your recent book review of The New Christians by Tony Jones. I thank God for you every day and the work you are doing to expose these horrible things.

My son is a student at * University. John has had to become an apologist against emergent because several students don’t know the dangers of it.

I am afraid that even if the university administration denies their friendliness towards emergent, the students that attend churches in the community will be bringing in the emergent virus, and unless the administration openly discusses the dangers in chapel, where everyone is required to attend daily, the emergent philosophy will be leaven, infecting the whole lump.

John has spoken with some of the students in his dorm. Some of them don’t see the dangers of emergent, and some are agnostic about it because they haven’t heard of it until recently. John says he can foresee ** University becoming emergent-friendly by the time he graduates. He is starting to feel like he is the only one speaking out against emergent. I have suggested that he talk to some of his professors to find out what they know or believe about it, and who may be willing to start a discussion group to expose this false teaching, but he is hesitant because he doesn’t want to be marked as a “trouble-maker.”

Have you been contacted by any of the faculty or staff at this university that understands the dangers of this, and has supported your reporting of this? If so, I was hoping they might be willing to be an advisor to students like my son, who want to start a ministry, or at least an informational/educational group to warn students about this.

John needs to find other like-minded Christians on campus to edify him; he is starting to feel lonely.
The only reason John has been prepared to contend for the Gospel is because of the treasures of information I discovered on your web site three years ago. He has also been devouring your valuable resources. If it wasn’t for your answering the Lord’s call, our family would probably have been pulled into this two years ago, when our church’s newly-hired youth pastor gave my son a book by Brian McLaren book and told him to consider this new way of thinking about church.

Thank you, and may God continue to bless your ministry.

A concerned mother

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