Emerging Church Fact Sheet

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by Understand the Times with Roger Oakland 
The following is a fact sheet that summarizes some of the major characteristics of the Emerging Church movement and the direction it is headed. Beneath the fact sheet, you can either listen to or read the transcript of a recent interview with Brian McLaren, prominent promoter and leader of the Emerging Church movement. Every sincere Bible believing Christian needs to be aware of what is happening and what role the Emerging Church movement plays in the last days apostasy that the Bible foretells.


*Scripture is no longer the ultimate authority for many well know leaders of the new evangelicalism.

*The gospel of Jesus Christ is being replaced by humanistic methods that promote church growth and a social gospel.

*There is more and more emphasis on “what’s in it for me” in the “here and now,” and less and less concern regarding the warnings of scripture regarding the imminent return of Jesus and a coming judgment ahead for planet earth.

*More and more Christian leaders are looking for a kingdom of God to be established here on earth by human effort and deny that Jesus Christ will rule and reign in a literal millennial period that is to come.

*Many bridges are being established that lead in the direction of unity with the Roman Catholic Church.

*An experiential mystical form of Christianity is being promoted to attract and reach the postmodern generation called the “Emerging Church.”

*We are being told that Christianity needs to be re-invented in order to provide meaning for this generation.

*Christianity is being dumbed-down as the Word of God comes under attack and images and sensual experiences are being promoted as the key to experiencing God.

“In order to re-invent Christianity we are told we need to go back to the past and find out what kinds of experiences were successful to attract people to Christianity. These experiences include icons, candles, incense, liturgy and the sacraments, particularly the sacrament of the Eucharist.

*Many church leaders are beginning to consider that the Reformation went too far. They are reexamining the claims of the “Church fathers” that communion is more than a symbol and for remembrance and that Jesus actually becomes present in the communion wafer.

*There is a growing trend towards an ecumenical unity for the cause of world peace that claims there are many ways to God and that Jesus Christ is not the only way.

Brian McLaren is viewed by many as a key leader of the Emerging Church Movement. The following two part interview will explain McLaren’s position on “hell” and “homosexuality”. Part I of Interview, Part II These interviews were conducted by Leif Hansen Of The Bleeding Purple Podcast. Part 1 of Brian McLaren’s interview was on Sunday January 8, 2006 and Part 2 was on Thursday January 12, 2006. Also see a Christianity Today article on Brian McLaren’s views on homosexuality.

For more research on McLaren’s teachings and views, click here.

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