Letters to the Editor – Colleges Gone Astray – Students Being Warned

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Two letters written to Lighthouse Trails recently (similar to many others we receive):

I just looked at your list of colleges and seminaries that are joining with the Emergent church movement. I am shocked and horrified. Moody Bible, Taylor University (my children attended Taylor in the 1990s) and so many more that at one time were considered very sound. Are there any left who are trustworthy? This is all happening so fast, the Lord’s return must be near, very near. I’m sorry to say I believe my own church has bought into this lie from the pit of hell, and no doubt I will be forced to leave soon. So few people see what is happening. Sometimes I wonder if I am the one who is off base but then I look at the Word of God and know that is not the case. Thank you for keeping us informed of this terrible deception. I am praying for you and thanking God for your faithfulness to His Word.

South Carolina

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To Lighthouse Trails:

Lighthouse Trails has been an invaluable resource to me over the past three years. Many of my friends and family have benefited greatly from your website and books. The most recent example is a young woman in my church who read A Time of Departing and has been warning and informing her friend who attends Biola. This friend then informed another friend at Biola who is very concerned and is asking for more information. Another example is a young man from my church who began attending Point Loma University in August. His mother and grandparents were able to warn him and prepare him to stand against the contemplative spirituality at that university thanks to information from Lighthouse Trails. I could give many more examples. The Lord is using your ministry in countless ways to warn and equip his people. I can’t begin to express how thankful I am for your extremely important service to the body of Christ. May He bless you abundantly as you continue to faithfully serve Him!


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